Past Events
The following is a full list of all the workshops that I have developed throughout my career, and they correspond to the numerous areas of expertise in which I have actively worked.
To view my upcoming live webinars, or to register for a self-paced home-study workshop, please use the links below.
If you or your organization would like to request a workshop, please feel free to contact me so that we can discuss your vision and needs.
Finding Joy and Meaning in Elderhood:
Embracing Change & Transition for 60’s and Older
Date and Time TBA
Conducted online via Zoom
Please contact us to be notified when dates have been finalized.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the hall mirror and see my white hair and the growing wrinkles that line my face. Who is that person looking back at me? My internal sense of myself largely remains the same, yet the visual effects of the passage of time are undeniable. I am struck by the radical inconsistencies of my experience. On one hand, I have been around for many decades and have learned a thing or two, and on some levels, I am the wisest and most free I have ever been. Yet, on the other hand, my energy is beginning to wane. I have the same desire to persevere, yet I must sometimes stop, and rest. My ability to see the deep connections of life and experience mindfulness moment to moment is the richest it has ever been – yet sometimes, I find myself in a room in my house knowing that I came in here for something, but what it was entirely escapes me.
Sound familiar?
The challenges inherent in growing older are real – mortality is no longer just a concept. We are often left with questions: How will I face the changes ahead? Can I find a path that feels right for me?
In this unique, one-day workshop, we will explore the challenges and opportunities inherent in the movement into and through elderhood. For many people, becoming an elder can be accompanied by anxiety and uncertainty as our very mortality becomes a near reality – as opposed to something that will happen someday far in the future. The passage of time takes on new meaning. However, this chapter of our lives can also be exciting and empowering. Access to empowerment is possible when we receive personally individualized, compassionate support, and have acquired a tried-and-true process designed to encourage resilience in the midst of the inevitable uncertainty that accompanies the many changes and challenges characterized by this chapter of our lives.
In this intimate exploration, we will examine the changes to our minds and bodies, investigate our relationship to self-empowerment, and explore our place in a changing world. Our mission in this workshop is to gain more insight, direction, and confidence as you move toward the life you desire for yourself. Our day together will be pragmatic: You will have the opportunity to apply each teaching module to your specific change and transition concerns. You will experience strategic learning, personal exploration, and participant interaction, as well as develop new tools and understanding so that you can more fully embody this rich and challenging time in your life. Research has shown that how well we navigate change – and the transition that follows it – has a direct impact on the degree of well-being, purpose, and satisfaction we experience on a day-to-day basis. Claim all that’s yours to be and do, and make the most of your opportunity to embody your personal definition of well-being!
In this workshop, you will learn skills to effectively respond to change. You will:
- Learn about the nature of change and how to navigate the emotions and uncertainty that accompany it.
- Assess what parts of your life are in or out of balance and discover what rebalancing needs to occur to support the change you desire.
- Explore your values, goals, and essential intentions to help guide your next steps.
- Examine your personal “Journey through Change” to use as a map to locate where you likely have come from, where you currently are, and what you might be experiencing next.
- Gain insights about your strengths, challenges, and habits of mind in dealing with uncertainty and change.
- Create a strategy for effectively manifesting the life you want for yourself.
The Life Balance Institute has been offering weekend workshops, 1:1 coaching and class series for over thirty years. They have successfully supported thousands of people in moving through the challenges of personal and professional changes and transitions. You will receive a variety of their self-assessments and tools as handouts to further support your journey of change.
The workshop will be led by Alison Teal and Ron Ames, both leaders in their respective fields, and also certified Changes & Transitions strategists.
Space is extremely limited for this intimate experience, so please register early if you plan to join us.
Expect a day of dynamic inquiry as you learn to meet change with authenticity, confidence, and clarity.
If you would like to be notified when registration becomes available for future class opportunities, or if you would like to book Alison to teach a webinar or in-person seminar, please contact us to set up a consultation to discuss your needs.
King, Queen, Warrior, Magician, Lover:
Using Jungian Archetypes for Navigating Life Transitions
Date & Time TBA
Conducted online via Zoom
Please contact us to be notified when dates have been finalized.

In this workshop, we will call on Archetypal energy to provide perspective and guidance for the changes we seek. Through lecture, PowerPoint, discussion, exercises, and personal reflection, we will arrive at clear intentions and an action plan to help us manifest the life we envision for ourselves.
Class Description
Change and transition are natural processes and are occurring continuously. Every age and phase of life brings change – sometimes, we actively choose change, and sometimes, it arrives unexpectedly. Sometimes, it is an external change we seek, and sometimes, it is internal. Regardless of the nature of the change or how it comes to be, it is frequently accompanied by concerns, fears, or questions. Archetypal energy may be used to help us navigate the uncertainty that is often integral to our experience of change.
Jungian archetypes are universal mythic highly developed elements of the collective unconscious. Each type has its own set of values, meanings, and traits. They represent fundamental human motifs of our experience. They often evoke deep emotions and influence how we perceive and navigate our lives.
This workshop is designed for clinicians as well as anyone who is facing a life transition or decision.
Course Content
In this workshop, we will:
- Define Archetypes from a Carl Jung and Phillip Moffitt perspective
- Explore King/Queen, Warrior, Magician, and Lover Archetypes
- Experience how these archetypal energies live within us and how they may be utilized as a vehicle for helping us move through personal and professional transitions
- Explore where we are most developed and in balance with each of the four archetypes and how this impacts our perceptions of our life
- Explore where we are less developed and out of balance with each of the four archetypes and how this impacts our perceptions of our life
- Gain new perspective on the changes and transitions we are currently experiencing
- Call in the four archetypes for guidance and direction
- Create intentions and / or an action plan so that we are better able to navigate the changes and transitions that challenge us
If you would like to be notified when registration becomes available for future class opportunities, or if you would like to book Alison to teach a webinar or in-person seminar, please contact us to set up a consultation to discuss your needs.
All Previous Workshops
If you or your organization would like to request a workshop, please feel free to contact me so that we can discuss your vision and needs.
Previous workshops have included:
- Working With Children
- Life Transitions
- Using Expressive Arts for Personal Growth
- Navigating Your Empty Nest
- Reinventing Ourselves after the Death of a Loved One
- Art Play: A Blend of Expressive Arts, Ritual, and Psychodrama
- Attachment-Focused EMDR
- Fine Tuning Your EMDR Skills
- Integrating Expressive Arts into Your EMDR Practice
- Unleashing Your Inner Creative EMDR Therapist
- Using EMDR to Move Through Creative Blocks